Neil Schemenauer
2010-01-22 22:22:15 UTC
New submission from Neil Schemenauer <nas-python at>:
Btrfs does not maintain a link count for directories (MacOS does the same I think). That confuses because it uses os.stat().st_nlinks as an optimization.
The attached patch removes the optimization and make test_mhlib pass on Btrfs (and probably HFS+) filesystems.
files: mhlib_nlinks.txt
messages: 98169
nosy: nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mhlib fails on Btrfs filesystem (test_mhlib failure)
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2
Added file:
Python tracker <report at>
Btrfs does not maintain a link count for directories (MacOS does the same I think). That confuses because it uses os.stat().st_nlinks as an optimization.
The attached patch removes the optimization and make test_mhlib pass on Btrfs (and probably HFS+) filesystems.
files: mhlib_nlinks.txt
messages: 98169
nosy: nascheme
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: mhlib fails on Btrfs filesystem (test_mhlib failure)
type: behavior
versions: Python 2.7, Python 3.2
Added file:
Python tracker <report at>